Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Short night, long day

[SIGH] ...
The Inventor was up earlier than usual this morning... 4:24 am was when I finally crawled out of bed. In my sleepy half-sense I said to my wife that I'd get The Painter to come snuggle with us, and let The Inventor just cry it out. He's usually not up until about 5:00 or 5:30 for his morning nursing, and sometimes, gasp, we get to sleep uninterrupted until 6:00. The wife, in her wisdom (hard to fathom at that hour) suggested I try to soothe #2, instead of getting up #1. Ah... good thought.

So... about 10 minutes later, I uncoiled him from my lap, wrapped him back up in his blanket, and returned him to his crib. That bought us 20 minutes of shut-eye. [SIGH]. So I brought him to our room, where we keep a travel crib all set up and waiting for him. He fussed and cried off and on for the next 15 or 20 minutes... not really awake, but not letting us sleep. So, I brought him to bed with us... nothing doing until my wife turned over. That's what he wanted.

I even went to bed early last night (as in around 11:00). So.. I probably got around 6 hours sleep all told. Though how do you count the hour and a half of almost sleeping? Not enough. Too little sleep, and the morning is harder. And when I'm cranky and short... so are my boys. And wouldn't you know it, one of the cats chose just when I was tightest to knock over a vase of flowers we bought at the farmer's market yesterday.

But, we all survived. Now, it's to make it a productive day.

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