Monday, November 27, 2006

...and another thing

I just took a big step. I spent the past hour crafting a letter, exporting to .pdf, then I clicked [send].

It was a letter to a literary agent specializing in juvenilia, regarding two children's books I've written.

I'm supposed to be finishing up my lecture notes for my talk tomorrow. I've worked on them. Still a couple more hours of work today, then most of a day tomorrow. I'm not worried. I needed to take a step, move ahead on another one of my paths.

I'm standing at a crossroads, surveying the many choices that lie ahead. I realize that I can turn around, or try a tributary path any time I like. They're my legs; I can direct them. But it sure feels good to know it.


Leslie M-B said...

Good luck with the children's books!

ArticulateDad said...

Thanks, Trillwing. You and my wife are my two readers so far.

What Now? said...

Wow -- that's a big step. Congratulations!