Thursday, November 16, 2006

Brief office update

Yesterday, I moved into my new office. It's about 160 sq. ft. Can I just say... I'm in heaven. I still have to get used to having a space all to myself, without the distractions of my boys, and the myriad temptations of home. I have a lot of work to get done. This is one of those make or break it opportunities. I still haven't worked out internet access at my office, but I'm working on it. In any case, I think this office will be a great boon to my productivity, and will help me separate my work from my home life.

Yesterday was one of those short-lived celebrations however. I rode my bike over in the morning, and plugged away on one of these conference abstracts. I finished it before noon, and headed to the Trader Joe's (right next door to my building!) to get some lunch. There I received a desperate call from the au pair. Apparently, the Painter was having one of those days, and she was at her wit's end. I told her to pack the boys in the van, and come get me. This is the first time this has happened, so I'll forgive her the occasion. I spent the rest of the taking care of the boys, and having a good time, giving her a break to recover.

This morning, I worked (at home) on a job application, since I haven't brought the printer to the office yet, and because I was using the internet. I packed up my large file cabinet, and toted that over to the office in the afternoon, where I spent only a couple hours setting things up and reading, before heading back home (since I had promised the Painter that I would bring him to swimming lessons myself today). The au pair has agreed to give me back a half day tomorrow, so I'll get about four hours there then.

I should sleep now. Once I get internet all worked out, I hope to be back to regular postings again. Looking forward.

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