Friday, July 07, 2006

Email Schmoozing and Commitment

Well, it's been all one way so far. Sent out quite a few emails in the past day, mostly this morning, to follow up on my discussion yesterday with Pedestrian Organ regarding research support and funding. It being Friday, I may not hear back from anyone until next week. I've written to center directors and deans to see what interest I can drum up. Who knows? As I put it in one of the emails "I'm one of your own". Maybe they'll have some attachment to me, some commitment to the success of one of their graduates. What I'm asking so far should cost them very little in terms of funding, resources, and energy. I'm seeking a means to render my research self-sustaining, and in the process enhance the research of the university.

Sure, it's self-serving, it's a question of survival. But none of this is simply about me. If it were, I would have gone into another line of work, for sure. Deep down, I believe my research is meaningful, not just for me, but beneficial for society, for the growth of our knowledge and understanding. Isn't that what we all believe, those of us committed to the life of scholarship? It is what I truly believe, and what keeps me plugging away, keeps me committed to withstand the continued insults of rejection that pummel me.

This is worthwhile. This is true. This is me.

1 comment:

L said...

I like to see the resolve in your voice right now. I hope this leads to something.