Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What I am doing

Thanks to my friends for comments, sympathy, and encouragement on my downer post from yesterday.

Yes indeed, I am doing things to stay afloat. Yesterday, I submitted a conference abstract for a [Field 2] conference in the coming winter in Germany. I've got another abstract to submit this week for a conference in the UK. This latter one was brought to my attention by one of the organizers in a request that I add it to the conferences page of my PRW. The focus of the conference is the exact cross-disciplinary topic of my research website.

I'm trying to keep up on deadlines, and keep up on my summer goals as well (though I won't fret too much if I don't actually submit four articles!). It's the job applications, and the associated inquiries, that get me down mostly. I keep looking ahead and all I see is a massive tangle of options, like some nightmarish futuristic vision of highway cloverleafs in 5 dimensional space! Aaaaahhh!

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