Thursday, February 16, 2006

What's in a name?

Great program on The Infinite Mind, heard on NPR. It reminds me of my favorite class from my undergraduate days. It was a course on Anthropological Linguistics. One day (or one week, I can't remember) the conversation focused on names. Boy it struck me then. My name's important to me.

I remember being amused by the psychologist named Boring, and the neuroscientist named Brain. Inspired by the radio segment, especially the part on Alan Berliner and Grace Lee, here's a little meme on names. Surely, you've all googled your name. So, tell us about others who share your name.

When I google my name, here's what I come up with:

1) Well, there's me, of course.
2) an astrologer in San Francisco.
3) a lawyer in London.
4) one random post (by a namesake) on the NBA preseason (definitely not me)
5) a history professor in Canada.
6) a rabbi who does educational television (incidentally married to a woman with my mother's name).
7) an IT professional in Australia.


Ahistoricality said...

I share a name with a Christian college basketball phenom, and a member of the Schindlerjuden. That's about all I've ever found. I'm sufficiently "out there" under my real name that other people don't start coming up until about the fourth page of results at this point. So I feel pretty unique. Lonely, too....

ArticulateDad said...

Unfortunately, that astrologer and I compete for top billing. And he probably just took the name because it sounded cool. I mean, hey, I was born with it. Give it back!